KA2 Small-Scale Writing Challenge
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNPGuh6WvwY&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=1; KA2 Small-Scale Writing Challenge Overview; 1:13;Do you want to create a KA2 Small-scale project in just 10 days? Great, you're in the perfect place! In this series of videos you'll learn how to to create your (first) KA2 Small-scale project & get it funded.
Challenge organizers: Yulia Markos (Synergy Bulgaria, BG) and Anna Webster (Life Zone, EE).
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjepwEKyW4w&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=2; Day 1 - Project Objectives and Main Features; 13:05; A step-by-step guide into how to create good KA2 Small-scale project objectives when applying for Erasmus+ funding.
In this video we discuss:
- Erasmus+ Programme priorities 2021-2027.
- KA2 Small-scale Partnerships' main features.
- Projects objectives: tips & examples.
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
Hometask: Identify and share in the comments at least 5 concrete objectives you would like to achieve and outcomes or results you would like to realise with your project idea. Don't forget they should be linked to the priorities of the Erasmus+ programme.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X43CppomJXo&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=3; Day 2 - Project Concept Development; 13:02; Every successful KA2 application starts with a strong project idea. Learn a practical tool to shape a project on any topic - from climate change to refugee integration.
In this video we discuss:
- Why do you need to develop a project concept first?
- A simple tool to develop your project idea.
- Tips&tricks for idea design.
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
Hometask: make a draft (text or pic) of your project idea, using the tool mentioned in this video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQUTBxg-zIo&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=4; Day 3 - Partners in the Project; 5:38;Every successful Erasmus+ Youth KA2 application requires a good partnership. Let's see how it can be created.
In this video we discuss:
- Partnership agreements: key points,
- International dimension of partnership.
- Partners' role.
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
Hometask: List your international partners and their professional solid sides. Describe what will be the benefits of cooperating with the selected partners for the achievement of the stated objectives?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jqw_BhK844&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=5; Day 4 - Project Activities; 17:16; Not sure what activities should be included in KA2 Small-scale project? No worries, we'll explain you how it works.
In this video we discuss:
- Different types of activities in the project
- Examples of a good project outline.
- Tips&tricks to make activities coherent.
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
Hometask: make a chronological list of activities you plan to include in your project.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D44UM166wcI&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=6; Day 5 - Activities' Budget; 12:57; One of the trickiest things in KA2 Small-scale projects is budget. It works as a lump sum and engages different funding schemes.
In this video we discuss:
- KA2 Small-scale project lump sums: 30K and 60K.
- How to calculate a project budget.
- How to work with budget in online application form.
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
Hometask: write in comments what’s the lump sum you’re going for - 30K or 60K and a short breakdown of expenses in the form 'activity - amount'.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txbBwNG2Xic&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=7; Day 6 - Project Sustainability; 9:45; The project results and its impact doesn't finish after the end of the project. Learn to make your project sustainable long-term after European funding.
In this video we discuss:
- What is project sustainability in a KA2 project?
- Tangible and intangible results.
- How to evaluate project results?
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
Hometask: share 2-3 things you’re going to do to make your project results & impact sustainable.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLKLgd48eTU&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=8; Day 7 - Project Application Form; 6:09; In this video, we open the official online application form KA210-YOU and go through all sections and important annexes.
Challenge organizers: Yulia Markos (Synergy Bulgaria, BG) and Anna Webster (Life Zone, EE).
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
Hometask: Familiarise yourself with all sections of the application, including the annexes. Inside your partnership set up the deadlines for each section, including signing the Declaration and Mandates.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk9lRQoMsi0&list=PLurAbxoopTDWJVytso_k5ejt_m_d14xf9&index=9; Day 8 - Bonus Project Writers Tips and Tricks; 1:58; In this video we share personal tips on how to finalize & check if your KA2 Small-scale project application is strong and coherent.
For extra materials check our KA2 Small-Scale Library.
Hometask: assess your project against Quality Assessment Guide criteria and see what can be improved.