Youth Academy

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Educational space for NGO leaders, project managers of Erasmus+ and ESC Programs & youth workers

About Academy

Erasmus+ Youth Academy was founded in 2021 by two NGOs - Synergy Bulgaria and Life Zone Group as a digital space for quality networking and experience sharing in the field of European funding opportunities and NGO management.

Today we offer both online & offline opportunities. We deliver Project Writing Challenges and provide support in a digital space - Facebook community with over 2100 members from all over Europe.

Twice a year we host offline events co-funded by Erasmus+:
Partnership-Building Activities, Ideathons and professional trainings.
All - with the vision to transform youth non-profit sector in Europe.

Welcome to the Erasmus+ Youth Academy!

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What do we offer?

Facebook Community

Stay up-to-date about Erasmus+ & ESC Programs and share your experience with others.

Online Academy

Learn how to write grant applications, manage projects & run NGO effectively.

Erasmus+ Cooperation

Include E+ Academy as your dissemination partner in KA2 projects. Learn how.
You're looking for long-term partnerships, new ways to grow your NGO & scale its impact.

NGO leaders

You participated in Erasmus+ and/or ESC programs, and now you want to organise your own project but don't know where to start.

Youth leaders

You work with European programs and your goal is to receive grants regularly and manage projects strategically.

Project managers

You're looking for professional growth and ways to improve your work with young people.

Youth workers

For whom?

What can you get out of Academy?

how to apply with Erasmus+ Youth KA1 & KA2 and Solidarity Projects for European funding.
all necessary tools, knowledge and skills for effective Erasmus+ & ESC project management.
European partners for long-term cooperation and build prolific relationships to create impact.
your organization, staff and volunteers through our online courses & Project Writing Challenges .
us transform a non-profit sector in Europe and improve the quality of youth work.
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your experience with foreign colleagues and ask for support and/or advice anytime.

European Programs we work with:

This European Union program aims to support projects in the fields of education, vocational training, youth and sports.
In 2021 - 2027 the budget for Erasmus + projects is 26 billion Euro, and the program itself is becoming even more inclusive and international.

The topics of digital transformation and sustainable development, equality and inclusion, active participation and stable employment, mental and physical health are becoming priorities.

What does this mean? Now is the perfect time to explore the world of Erasmus +. And for those who are actively using the capabilities of the program already - to develop skills and reach new levels.

Project Founders

Anna Webster
Grantwriter of projects for NGOs in Europe and the CIS,
NFE trainer and mentor.

Anna has 20 years of experience with programs Youth, Youth in Action, Erasmus + as the leader of 2 NGOs in Estonia and the UK. Besides, she was an external assessor in the UK national agency for 8 years.

Since 2009 educational programs author and trainer, main themes on project management, grant writing, fundraising, media and communications.

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Anna Webster
Yulia Markos
Strategic leader at Synergy Bulgaria, project coordinator, coach and mentor.

Starting from 2015 Yulia has written & coordinated tens of international projects in Croatia and Bulgaria. She also consulted numerous NGOs and trained in 5 different countries.

With her experience in business sector, Yulia combines Erasmus+ rules and business approach. Her professional interests for today are sustainable development of NGOs and KA2 projects with massive impact
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Yulia Markos

Our FB Community

Want to meet other community members, find future partners or get advice from experts in the field? Join our FB-community to stay up-to-date about European funding and socialize.
+44 7908356930
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